A Sense of Humour


One of my favorite books that I used to read when I was teaching preschool was "My Mom Hates Me In January".   I used to love to read this to the kids that were 3 and 4 and see what they thought.  If, by chance they were aware that when you live in a cold and snowy winter climate, that sometimes their parents weren't
quite as excited about those continuing snowy and cold days...

Maybe the answer is ....It depends.

So, even though today is actually March 13th and it truly is still cold and though not snowing, there is an ample amount of snow on the ground...and I am listening to Al Roker predict another big snow event on it's way to the East Coast....have fun today!

Go out... play in the snow with your kids, do something fun, enjoy the whole kid thing, act like a big one yourself today!

What a great example that is!  You may even laugh a lot or be surprised.

Who knows, you could be surprised like my daughter Megan was. She was given  Hot Chocolate with Whisky from her Cleveland neighbor, after Megan chose to play in the snow with her snowblower and cleared off her neighbor's driveway. That will make you smile!

Have fun today....Be a Big Kid!

Until next time,
