Why do we do it?

Hi Everyone,

I titled this post “Why do we do it?” for a reason. Of course it’s for a reason, right? Or I would not have written it.

I’ve been thinking and wondering a lot lately. We had Anne’s second annual Legacy benefit last week. It was an amazing night… over 3,000 people attended or tried to attend, as after the capacity for safe numbers at the Chelsea Market was reached, we had to turn people away.

I know why we did that. The event was to raise funds for the work we’re doing to honor Anne through the Anne Saxelby Legacy Fund… to do the work, we need monies. To make monies, we need to have an event, and ask people to consider donating.

Why we started the Fund is more complicated…

We started the fund to honor a person who had to leave this life. Why did she have to leave? I know we have answers of some sort, but the real reason is because even though she took good care of herself, was in excellent physical shape, loved her life… her family, her kids especially… her body gave out.

So, we keep her spirit and passions alive, because she can not.

Why do we do that? Because we chose to have her presence and influence in this world , in her family, in her friends, in people she loved, in her work, not be over.

We chose to love her through the mission and work of her Legacy Fund.

What do we do when someone we love dies suddenly? Or faces a terminal illness?

I have a beautiful friend who has now chosen to be in Hospice. She made a choice to live out the rest of her life without pain, without poking and prying and hoping for a different outcome.

Why do we honor that? Why do we do that?

Because we love her.

And as I continue to think about these moments of life ,the moments that are truly horrible… moments we wish with all of the fibers of our being were not the reality, we go one, we do all that we can to help, to honor because of one word, LOVE.


We do what we do when life throws us, when life gives us the unthinkable, because of love.

That’s it.

That’s why we do it…

Thanks for reading,
