Carrying on..

Hi All,

It’s been a truly humbling experience these last few weeks.

As many of you know, our family began the shortly after Anne died. It was born from the desire to keep Anne’s legacy alive, and in doing so, honor her and her life’s mission to make a difference and do what she loved.

In the past 3 years much has evolved.

The first year of the Legacy fund, we sent 33 young people to a wholly funded paid apprenticeship. Last year, our second year, we increased that number to 66, and this year our third year, we are sending 100 people.

It’s been such a rewarding, and of course hard process to be able to make this happen.

The first year, honestly, it was quite challenging for me, and perhaps even more so the second year.

The reality that this good work we were attempting to do was because Anne was no longer here, was at times, quite daunting for me.

I know that in talking with our growing staff and groups of wonderful people involved now in Anne’s Legacy fund, sometimes the reality of why we are doing this is not front and center for them. And…that is a good thing, because we need people who see the value of what we are doing, and want to help us grow and be successful.

That in itself is marvelous.

This third year, I can honestly say, is the first year I am able to read through all the amazing applications we received with more joy than sadness.

As those of you know who have experienced great loss, this journey of navigating Grief is tricky. And so for me, I am grateful to be able to feel the joy in our purpose. The chance to talk with so many young people who are motivated and inspired by Anne and her story gives me great joy, and I absolutely know that she feels the same way.

When someone you love dies unexpectedly, in an out of order fashion, life turns upside down. The world as you knew it is forever altered.

Carrying on is what we are managing. Healing, I don’t know if that is possible or even desirable for that then treats your Grief as a disease… and Grief is not that. Learning to carry what can not be fixed, that is the realistic and healthy goal.

As I had the chance to read through 500 applications during our selection committee meetings, I realized we are doing it!

We have made Anne’s life, her essence, her work tangible to others. In doing that, we are carrying one. Helping make a difference in this world in a positive and hopefully life changing way. Not just for the apprentices , but for the farms and communities they touch.

We’re sending a piece of Anne along with them to every place they go… and in doing that we are honoring her in a way that I know is valuable and makes her proud.

When you loose someone, the challenge to find your way to carry on is the substance of how you now live your forever altered life.

I hope all of you find your way…

Thanks for taking the time to read this,
