Hi Everyone!
What a time we’ve been in… and are still in to a lesser/greater extent depending on where you are.
How are you doing? How are your kids? How is everyone feeling about either being back in school, or soon starting?
Are we hopeful? Are we unsure? Are we scared?
I think all 3 of those questions will have yes as the answer, dependent on geography and individual load for continued unknowns.
I read an article this morning about living life right now, with all the unknowns. It pointed out, quite accurately, that each day is actually, always unknown. No matter your level of planning, something can cause the need for a pivot, for flexibility, for a different strategy.
Two of our grandchildren live in Brooklyn, NY. They stared school today. One began third grade and the other began second grade… in person!
We received the cutest photos, with all the regular first day of school needs… new shoes, backpacks, cute outfits… and SMILES!
They are one month behind our granddaughter who lives in Georgia. She started school a month ago, and is a brand new kindergartner! So far, that experience is going quite well…she is healthy, her classmates are healthy, and she is most of all, happy.
This past 20 months has taken its toll on kids, on teachers, on learning… and how we proceed in a time such as this in a direction that will allow kids to continue to have the opportunities to become their best and most importantly, complete selves.
School provides that for them, and although it’s scary right now, perhaps the best strategy we can employ is one of measured trust, and intelligent choice.
Everyone will need to decide how that looks for them, and for their kids, however, I think our school officials are trying hard to provide that experience.
Our kids deserve no less.
Happy first month of school Gracie, and Happy first day of school, Max and Josie!
Until next time,